Thursday 5 January 2012

TV Review: 2 Broke Girls - "And the Secret Ingredient"

Season 1 - Episode 13

In a shade over twenty minutes they have managed to kill the entire concept of this show. And I'm not even sure there was that much point to it, other than to further something that we already knew.

So Max uses shop bought cake mix to make her cupcakes. This thread is explained by the fact that ehr mother was a loser who never taught her anything (which has been mentioned on at least three occasions already). The whole concept of this show is that the girls are trying to raise enough money to open a cupcake shop to sell Max's fantastic homemade cupcakes. Which it turns out are made from a pre-mix. Notwithstanding that Caroline has been helping her make the cupcakes this whole time and hasn't noticed, it ruins Max's one discernable talent. It's not even lazy writing, it's just bad, bad writing, and something that they may struggle to recover from.

It's a real shame that the main plot was so poorly constructed, because this was in essence, a pretty funny episode. Making Hahn uncomfortable by talking about tampons openly worked well, Oleg was superb in his small role, and the Jamaican shop assistant was a welcome addition. Caroline's new obsession with coupons was funny, but I imagine resonated more in the States where that type of thing can actually happen, rather than over here where it quite frankly couldn't.

So the girls picked up another $23 to their fund. A fund for something that they revealed to be a sham. A passably funny episode, but one that may have put a nail in the coffin for the show's future.


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